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Friday, May 17, 2024

How About Preparing for Pregnancy as an Endurance Test?

Pregnancy can be a challenging experience, filled with physical obstacles such as fatigue, breathlessness, and back pain. While regular exercise during pregnancy can help manage these issues, experts suggest preparing your body before getting pregnant. Similar to training for an athletic event, you can engage in exercises that specifically benefit a pregnant body.

By dedicating time to developing a strong foundation, you can have a more energetic, comfortable, and stronger pregnancy experience. Beginning regular exercise prior to pregnancy also allows for a smoother transition into maintaining a similar workout routine while pregnant. Starting earlier before pregnancy provides more benefits versus starting during pregnancy, especially if you’ve been inactive before conceiving.

Pregnancy is like a stress test for the body, and being healthy before entering this stage can help mitigate complications. Whether you already have an established exercise routine or are starting from scratch, prenatal and postpartum fitness specialists recommend the following proactive workouts:

1. Treat any injuries: It’s important to address any lingering musculoskeletal issues like sciatica, plantar fasciitis, hip problems, or back pain before getting pregnant. These issues can worsen during pregnancy due to increased pressure on the spine and hormonal changes.

2. Find a cardio workout: Engaging in regular aerobic workouts before pregnancy lays a strong foundation for this stage. Pregnancy brings significant cardiovascular changes, and exercise helps manage these stresses. Walking, running, swimming, biking, or dancing are excellent options. Aim for approximately 150 minutes of moderate activity per week.

3. Get to know your pelvic floor: Pregnancy places strain on the pelvic floor muscles, which are important for core strength and supporting various organs. Prior to pregnancy, learn how to relax and engage these muscles to manage the challenges ahead. Consult a pelvic floor physical therapist for personalized evaluation and guidance.

4. Strengthen the muscles you’ll need most: Full-body strength-training before pregnancy is recommended, with attention to specific muscle groups that will be heavily impacted. Core muscles, including the deep transverse abdominal muscles, need strengthening to support the growing uterus. Planks, side planks, and pointers are effective exercises. Balance strength-training with flexibility training, such as yoga and Pilates, which also focus on deep breathing exercises.

5. Focus on glutes, legs, and upper back: Lower-body muscles support the extra weight of pregnancy and are crucial for postpartum activities. Squats, bridges, deadlifts, and rowing movements help strengthen these muscle groups. Additionally, working the upper back muscles can counteract the forward-pulling effect of breast enlargement and carrying the baby.

In conclusion, preparing your body through exercise before pregnancy can help you navigate the physical challenges that come with it. Engaging in these proactive workouts and addressing any pre-existing injuries can contribute to a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy experience.

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