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New York
Monday, May 20, 2024

The Journey of Tim Flannery: From Giants Coach to Songwriting Passion

Night had fallen, spirits were moving, and the songwriting baseball coach was rounding third base and headed for home. In the autumn of 2020, doctors had advised Tim Flannery, a gravely ill man, to say goodbye to his family. However, he declined both times. Flannery, known for his success as a baseball coach and musician, refused to surrender. Despite his life-threatening staph infection, Flannery refused to give in. He underwent a harrowing three-month battle with the infection, which led to sepsis and required two back surgeries. Doctors warned him that he might never walk again. However, with the support of his wife and granddaughter, he made progress by walking up and down his driveway. Flannery reflected on his experience and expressed a new perspective on life. He cherishes each moment and tries to create positive memories. Flannery, known for his authenticity, has always pursued both baseball and music. He founded the Love Harder Project in response to an attack on a Giants fan in 2011, which aims to combat bullying and violence. Through this foundation, he has raised significant funds to support the victim’s medical expenses. Flannery’s love for music has been a constant throughout his life, offering a sense of calm and joy. Despite initial hesitation to share this part of his life with others, Flannery’s passion for music became well-known and he has performed alongside renowned musicians. Amidst the pandemic, Flannery found solace in his mountain retreat and endured a near-fatal staph infection. He believes it was caused by building cages to protect his vegetable garden. Despite the pain, Flannery persisted and eventually sought medical attention. He continues to live his life with determination and gratitude.

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